Twitter Management Services Gloucestershire

Twitter Management Services

Keep Your Audience Informed With Twitter

Twitter is one of the best known social media platforms in the world. Its greatest attribute is it ability to allow you to get your news and thoughts out to a potentially huge audience instantly.

Discover how White Media can help your business capitalise on the power of Twitter to let the world know about your business, services and products.

How Does Twitter Work?

Twitter is one of the best known social media platforms and can bring good results to businesses using it. Managing your Twitter account well is an effective way of getting important news or offers to your audience.

Twitter is all about the engagement with your audience, so creating a workable strategy is your main priority if you are using Twitter for digital marketing. Research the sort of topics your customers are likely to want to hear about from you, as if you can get their interest with useful and informative tweets, you are likely to get better ongoing engagement from them.

Also, remember, the lifespan of a tweet is short – as little as 18 minutes. This is the shortest lifespan of any social media post. Your message therefore needs to be punchy and your tweets regular, if you want to build a loyal audience. A Twitter campaign requires excellent planning and preparation with a strategy for releasing posts on a regular schedule.

What Is Involved In LinkedIn Management?

Managing a LinkedIn profile or company is all about making you and your company be found on LinkedIn for the services or products you want potential clients to buy. As LinkedIn is a platform for business professionals, optimising your LinkedIn profiles and posts is a good way to reach decision-makers in your target sectors. White Media can help you reach new markets by managing your profiles and advertising for you.

Profile & Branding

Your Twitter profile is easy to set-up, but it can be optimised. When optimised you can provide key information about your organisation to make it clear to your audience what your business offers and how you can help them resolve their needs.

You will need to make sure you get your branding right. For this, you have a logo image and a cover image. Both of these images need to be the correct dimensions or they will be cropped or stretched.

We can help you create professional branding and set-up your profile.

Posts & Articles

With Twitter you need to make your posts short and to the point given you have just 280 characters to play with. Posts can be illustrated with images, which will help click through rates (CTR). Whilst building an audience you will want to use hashtags efficiently. Choosing good hashtags for each post is how your tweet will reach your intended audience. When managing a Twitter campaign, you will need to manage how and when Tweets are sent. Using tools to create and schedule tweets is the most efficient way of managing a Twitter campaign. You can write your series of tweets and configure the date and time they should be made public. Doing this means you do not have to remember to pick up your phone and create the tweet several times a day. Using scheduling tools also allows you to visualise the campaign day-by-day.

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising on Twitter can be an effective way of marketing your brand and company to business professionals around the world, though not all businesses will benefit from twitter advertising.

Your ads can be set-up so that either individual tweets are promoted, your whole Twitter account is promoted, trends are promoted or moments are promoted. Twitter ads, like normal tweets, can work really well if creative content, such as videos or GIFs, are used to get your message across to your audience.


You will want to know how your Twittern campaign is going. We provide you with regular reports, in whatever form is best for you (telephone or email), about the progress of your Twitter campaign. You will hear what has happened since the last report and how people have interacted with your posts or articles.

Our reporting is all in plain Engish without tech-speak, which is confusing and unnecessary. We want you to understand the progress of your Twitter campaign so you can make informed business decisions.

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I’d recommend White Media to any of my friends, and, those friends who are recovering from expensive, unsuccessful, frustrating experiences with “the experts”. Technology is an enabler, it always was; not a “confuser to enable charlatans to profit from the uneducated”.
Rollo C., Chairman

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We Are Different From Most Other Twitter Management Agencies

If you have worked with other Twitter management agencies you might have found yourself baffled by tech-speak?

We at White Media like to concentrate on you, the client, rather than trying to make Twitter management sound like a dark-art which should only be approached by an expert. The aim of Twitter management is to help grow your Twitter following and consequently building your sales and leads.

No Tech-Speak or Jargon

There is nothing more annoying than hearing geek-speak when all you want to hear about is the progress of your Twitter campaign. Jargon is designed to be baffling and has no place in any conversation with our clients. We give you feedback in simple to understand language, so that you can understand how the Twitter campaign is coming along.

Easily Understood Updates

You will always have direct access to us whenever you have a question about your Twitter campaigns. We will give you regular updates about the progress of the campaign, showing you the results of the work as well as monthly reports on the steps taken to manage your Twitter account. We also like to hear thoughts and ideas from you too!

No Long-Term Contracts

You need to have confidence with your LinkedInm management agency. Consequently, we do not force clients into long-term contracts. As Twitter campaigns are long-term projects, we encourage clients will carry on with rolling monthly contracts. If you want to cancel your management service contract with us, all we require is a notice period of 30 days.