Ecommerce Seo Services

eCommerce SEO Services

Drive Traffic & Grow Sales With SEO for eCommerce

SEO for eCommerce is the life-blood for most eCommerce businesses. Without a well-planned eCommerce SEO campaign, your online shop will lose out. White Media can help you optimise your eCommerce website so it is seen and organic traffic increases to improve your sales.

eCommerce SEO Services To Grow Your Online Shop

eCommerce businesses, which succeed and thrive spend time and effort in getting their SEO for eCommerce right. They know that the best type of traffic to their online shop is organic - free! Whilst paid search is great, it is a short-term strategy. Planning for the long-term can reap rewards far greater than you may imagine.

Organic traffic generated through an eCommerce SEO campaign is high value to your business and is worth the effort to get right. There are a number of areas of an eCommerce website which many online businesses - especially smaller ones - miss or don't even know are there to be optimised.

If you feel your eCommerce website is being affected by a lack of search engine optimisation, get in touch with us.

SEO For eCommerce Websites Is Specialised

Although the basics of SEO are fundamentally the same anywhere they are implemented, eCommerce websites give an extra set of places where optimisation is needed. An often neglected area is the category pages of an eCommerce website.

The default layout of category pages can lead to the pages being neglected, though usually it is because the business owners are not aware of the important of these pages. We also have a solution to the often unattractive layout of default category pages!

Product pages can be difficult to create good content for, but the more well-crafted content you can create, the better the chances of your product being more visible than those of your competitors. We help you put together good SEO content to attract customers.

Using search engine optimisation techniques including, technical SEO, keyword research and page optimisation, we have successfully managed to make previously poor performing products and categories rise to the top of Google. Call us on 0117 230 0570 to find out more.

How Do White Media Manage an eCommerce SEO Campaign?

Just as with our local SEO campaigns and WordPress SEO campaigns, we build the eCommerce SEO campaign around your business needs. Using a range of tools we will create a campaign suited to your online shop.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is our starting point for eCommerce SEO. We will look at your product titles and product categories to make sure they include keywords effectively. We will look at both exact keywords and search for long tail keywords which have both commercial intent (i.e. people want to buy) and great opportunity to rank well.

Category pages will receive special care as they have the ability to rank well and present a range of your products to the searcher. therefore, keyword research at product category level is an important task to complete and implement on the website.

We will investigate to see how your competitors are using their category pages. Competitor research can unearth a range of keywords that the competition are using, but your own eCommerce website is not. If the keywords are "valuable", then we will plan to use them where appropriate for your products and categories and give your competitors a run for their money.

Keyword research is an important step in search engine optimisation for eCommerce websites.

Website Optimisation

Most eCommerce websites are ripe for optimisation. The “clunky” default layout of eCommerce websites is not usually altered to a layout better suited to improve user experience. Depending upon the state of your eCommerce website, we will start working on SEO improvements in order of need.

As already touched upon in the previous section, product category pages are a main area to concentrate on. It often takes a small amount of time and effort to get these pages ranking highly and providing your website with much greater visibility for traffic which leads to sales.

On product pages we improve the product descriptions, using long tail keywords and high quality descriptions aimed to be found by the search engines.

Each page will have its title and meta description optimised and updated. In addition, we configure the structured data for each product and category, which makes the page more relevant in search results and can mean the page is listed as rich snippets – if you are lucky and Google give it the rich snippet treatment!

Content Creation

Content is king, goes the old expression. Your product descriptions need to capture your visitors’ attention and the content needs to stand-out above the competition. Therefore, your eCommerce website’s descriptions need to be better than those of your competitors. You can improve the user-friendliness of your product pages by making good use of visuals, such as embedding videos of your products being used or displayed. Images can be used to good effect too. We encoureg you to take ultra sharp images of the product from all angles, so the customer knows exactly what they are buying.

However, there is more to great content than the product and category descriptions alone.

Depending upon what you are selling, we can help you provide added value by creating useful content for your visitors, such as a knowledgebase, a buyers guide, blog posts and other content which improves a visitor’s experience and trust in your products and business.

As with product dscriptions, category pages need the same treatment.

Reporting Progress

There is a lot involved when running an SEO project for an eCommerce website. You will therefore want to know what has been done to strive to make your products and categories as visible as possible in the search results.

We will provide you with the level of feedback and reporting which suits your business.

Our jargon-free reporting will ensure you are informed of how your website is performing and this allows you to discuss with us any tweaks or areas you would like us to concentrate on.

Naturally, we encourage you to give us a telephone all any time you would like to discuss either the progress of your eCommerce SEO campaign, or to discuss ideas which you think may enhance the visibility of your online products and categories. Whilst we have the search engine optimisation expertise, you have the expert knowledge about your own products!

How Is Your Website Performing?

Ask us to review your website for FREE. We'll give you suggestions for how you could improve your website's performance with SEO or marketing campaigns.

What Our SEO Clients Are Saying About Us

I’d recommend White Media to any of my friends, and, those friends who are recovering from expensive, unsuccessful, frustrating experiences with “the experts”. Technology is an enabler, it always was; not a “confuser to enable charlatans to profit from the uneducated”.
Rollo C., Chairman

We Are Different From Most Other SEO Agencies

If you have worked with other SEO agencies you might have found yourself baffled by tech-speak?

We at White Media like to concentrate on you, the client, rather than trying to make search engine optimisation sound like a dark-art which should only be approached by an expert. The aim of SEO is to continually improve your return on investment and make your website work for you.

We therefore try and spare you the geek-speak and give you the results you want to see.

No Tech-Speak or Jargon

There is nothing more annoying than hearing geek-speak when all you want to hear about is the progress of your SEO campaign. Jargon is designed to be baffling and has no place in any conversation with our clients. We give you feedback in simple to understand language, so that you can understand how the SEO is coming along.

Easily Understood Updates

You will always have direct access to us whenever you have a question about your website's SEO. We will give you regular updates about the progress of the SEO, showing you the results of the work as well as monthly reports on the steps taken to manage your website's SEO. We also like to hear thoughts and ideas from you too!

No Long-Term Contracts

You need to have confidence with your SEO agency. Consequently, we do not force clients into long-term contracts. As SEO work takes many months to become truly effective we hope clients will carry on with rolling monthly contracts. If you want to cancel your SEO contract with us, all we require is a notice period of 30 days.

Frequently Asked Questions About SEO